March Twilight Project 2

For this project I chose to use the Moments Captured cutfile, from Jenny Wren . I must say .. I prefer the stitching to turning this into a shaker element. lol It was very frustrating and took so long cause i kept messing it up! Which is so unlike me cause i turn everything into a shaker. So I back this cutfile, after cutting it on Cougar White from Cutcardstock , with Acetate. This is when i realize I'm out of my 1/8 inch foam tape. So I grab my 1/4 in and start slicing it half, and it sticks to everything, its SUPER sticky and it kept tearing. I manage to get to the whole outline finished, and i dumb in the sequins, and realize i forgot to do all the little inside borders so they go everywhere.. so back to slicing foam tape and getting all inside borders. finally got them all, put the sequins in, ma...